How do I reschedule a session?

Note: Please always confirm with your student before rescheduling a session.

Rescheduling a first session with a student

Please contact the Gooroo Support Team at and we can make changes for you.

Rescheduling a pending session

If you want to reschedule a session that is pending confirmation from the student, you can simply ignore the pending session and request a new session with the updated time, and ask your student/parent to confirm that new session.

Rescheduling a confirmed session

If you'd like to reschedule a confirmed session, you can do that at anytime before the session start time. You can do that by finding the session in the “Sessions” section of the app, tapping the 3 dots on the top right, and then tapping “Reschedule”. 


More on how to reschedule a session here

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